Both of our girls were born before I was 21 and we all grew up together enjoying and supporting each other’s accomplishments.   As the girls started into school the tradition stayed the same and we were able to get past that sometimes-monumental hurdle of "my parents embarrass me or my kids embarrass us".  This trend continued through high school with the girls volunteering us for the darndest of events.  When the girls accomplished a goal we were there to cheer them on and when there was an epic fail we were there for them to lean on before they were off and running to climb their next mountain. 
As many know when our youngest daughter left for college is when Bob got out from under trucks and we got inside them to start on our adventure.   I remember when we dropped this bombshell on friends and family our girls were the ones that said, "Go for it!" and we support you 100%.  Most of our family and friends thought we had lost our minds to leave our secure jobs, sell our home, and enter the world of the unknown, cross country trucking.  We were going to become "gasp" truck drivers.  
Through our trials, tribulations, and accomplishments both of our girls have been on the sidelines cheering us on.  Nicki and Brandy are established adults now and it is harder for us to be together and enjoy our favorite activity, which is playing games.  All of us enjoy cards and board games and when we are together there is usually a game in progress on the kitchen table from morning till evening.
One of the hardest things for all of us is when one person is left out or not able to join in on activities.  When we are in San Antonio visiting Brandy or in Saint Louis there is one daughter being left out of the fun!  Due to technology we have came up with a way to keep the "family" together playing games. 
Using Face time on our phones we are able to play one of our favorite new games "Settlers of Catan".  The person or in some cases the persons not at the table with the game give directions to those of us that can roll for them and also collect their cards.  With technology everyone can hear each other and the banter is still hilarious as one loses out on an opportunity or gains a card over the other one.  
Some may call us nerds but I know that from the day our daughters were born we became a family and to this day we are all each others best cheerleaders.   Mothers Day is a day where I reflect back over the many memorable days, hours, and minutes I have had with my amazing daughters who I call my best friends.

Happy Mothers Day

Comments (4)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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Craig each stage of my girls lives I enjoyed. I did cry when they both went off to college and now they each have their own careers and they have became my best friends. As a mother I still worry about them but they have became my best friends. Sometimes it surprised me how often I ask them for advice or how in the world do I do something. Despite us they grew up to be pretty brilliant adults.... Ok that is the mother in my talking now.

May 08, 2015 5:50:11 AM

Reading your article really made me think of this. Lauri tends to get sad because her kids are grown and on their own and she misses those days when they were all home. I try to tell her it's the beginning of a new time in her life, she can be more of a best friend and a little less of the parent, so to speak. Me on the other hand, I love my kids and step kids but I wouldn't want to go back to those days.

May 07, 2015 17:03:46 PM

Funny Craig as I have thought of that question and over all I enjoy where we are today. Somethings I would change and that would be my hard headedness.

May 07, 2015 8:46:09 AM

Very very nice article Linda! I hope you have a fantastic mothers day! Do you ever look back at the old pictures and wish you were back there again or are you glad to have experienced it, not wanting to go back, and happy where you are today?

May 07, 2015 8:10:45 AM