I am back.

3 years ago this weekend I was lying in a hospital bed. The Internist was telling me that I had had a heart attack. He said that I should never run again. I was asking him why not, I wanted to run. He said, “What part of instant death don’t you understand?” This weekend I finished a 26.2 mile marathon

 I did not actually have a heart attack. I had something known as Troponin Leakage. That is where pieces of your heart muscle enter your blood stream. I have a strong heart. It is a runner’s heart. The problem was that I had some blockage in a coronary artery. My major arteries were in good shape. There was no electrical event that would show up on an EKG.  The Cardiologist did an electrocardiogram and angiogram, an exam that included a test where they ran ink through my arteries to check for damage to the heart and any arterial blockages. They found no heart damage, or heart attack, but did find some blockages in my coronary arteries.

I was told that I could run again. I had to start taking cholesterol medication even though my cholesterol levels were fine. The Cardiologist believed that by lowering my cholersterol levels further, my blockages would improve.  He told me not to run for 7 weeks, but that I could walk. I asked him if I could ride a bicycle. He approved. I figured out a way to carry a bike on my truck. After 7 weeks I could begin running again. My doctor said that my condition could become dangerous after an hour or so of strenuous exercise. I asked if I could run as far as I can in an hour, or a little over 7 miles. He said NO! Limit it to 5 miles and then come see me again.  DEAL!

That is the value of expert advice. There are specialists in every field, trucking as well as medicine. There are some questions that I might answer for you. But, usually I would send you to an expert in that field. When making decisions about your health, your truck, or your business, take advice from a true expert. In the week in between my leaving the hospital and my first appointment with the Cardiologist, I read a book on questions to ask your Cardiologist. Being an informed consumer makes for better decisions.

It was not easy. The first year back I did a half marathon. The second year it got too hot and they closed the course when I was about half way. They gave me a “finishers” medal. But, to me that didn’t count. 

This year I came back to finish what I started. The training went well from January until about mid March when I hurt my back playing with my grandkids. I am hoping to strengthen my back and core this year by using the FIT kit. The back half of the training was a struggle. I decided to run as far as I could until my back gave out. I ran about the first 10 miles, then I had to start walking. For almost 15 more miles, I was able to switch on and off running and walking. Within 2 miles of the finish line, something went wrong with my neck and shoulder.  I couldn’t lift my left hand above my hip. I crossed the finish line leaning badly to my left and my arm dangling by my side. But, I finished.

Comments (5)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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THX guys and Congrats Don! We would love to have you as an active member of the truckin' runners group-a facebook page dedicated to people in the industry who run.

May 26, 2013 13:42:31 PM

You are amazing Jeff. Great job finishing your marathon and now my friend you are a "Marathon Finisher!" And you are encouraging others thru your hard work. I finished my first marathon in April and had an amazing time. I look forward to your further adventures. Awesome!!

May 26, 2013 10:59:46 AM

Way to hit your goal Jeff!!

May 25, 2013 19:16:37 PM

Congratulations Jeff!!! It must feel amazing to finally finish and reach your goal. To stay in the race and finish in the physical condition you describe shows an amazing level of commitment and dedication.

May 25, 2013 18:52:34 PM

Great Job Jeff and glad to see you quickly recovered from the Marathon and are walking up right.

May 25, 2013 8:39:50 AM