Since I am such a big Apple Brand fan when it comes to computers, phones and tablets, it is sometimes a small challenge when it comes to reading Adobe PDF documents.  Somewhere in the transfer of data, you can sometimes run into the problem with certain formats not being as easy to work with when pulling them up on an Apple device.  This is where I found that I could easily use two apps together as a work-around for creating and editing PDF documents, then use my Airprint feature to wirelessly send them to my laser printer if necessary.
The first of these two business apps is called TurboScan and is available for just a couple bucks.  It allows you the ability to upload any picture from your camera or photo library and turn it into a scanned document.  It allows you options to frame the image to your exact cropping specifications and save it as a color, black & white, or photo quality image.  You can also adjust the intensity and rotation easily.  Although this app is limited in its editing for business documents, its ability to convert things into a scanned image easily is the best I have experimented with.
Turning the image into an editable document is where I discovered the second app, called PDF Expert.  It allows you to import existing PDF and JPEG images for editing and saving into exportable formats.  The trick to my workaround is that you can export PDF scans directly from TurboScan to PDF Expert for instant editing.  This editor does multiple things including highlighting, text recognition, stamping, signatures, and many other useful changes.  The cost for the full app is very easy to swallow, as similar to Turbo Scan it is only a few dollars. 
While out on the road, time is money, which is why saving time with the ease of scanning and editing right from the cab of my truck without having to break out a printer/scanner/copier is so important.  Having the ability to save my edited images at any point with both of the app’s auto save functions, allows me to access them later and print when I am able to through my wireless Airprint laser printer.  Being able to instantly scan proof of delivery documents and signed rate confirmations directly from my phone in minutes has impressed many of the brokers I work with and saved plenty of time in the process.

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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