My own rule says that I cannot decorate the Caffcadia for the holidays until the first day of the month the holiday falls in.  We spend more time in our truck than we do at home so why not decorate?

At our house, I keep the truck decorations in clear plastic totes, one for Halloween and Thanksgiving, and one just for Christmas.  The totes have everything in them from the decorations to movies that we enjoy during that month.  I am not a fan of horror movies so the October movies are usually cartoons.  The December tote is stuffed full and includes colored lights I string around, hanging decorations, as well as Christmas movies we enjoy.  Many of the Christmas movies are black and white and those seem to be our favorites.

Last time we were home I gathered up my truck decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving as we are not planning on going home for a while.  The last three months of the year I have fun decorating our Cascadia.  Even Squeaky the trucking kitty gets into the fun.

In October I have several things I like to display and my Mickey Pumpkin has many miles on it as we have had it for years.  Each year I get new window clings and I am pretty excited about my recent find as I have some bats and spiders that I think will look pretty cool.  My collection of earrings for the month has also grown as each year I purchase one or two new pairs. 

The window clings in the sleeper look really neat when I have the shades drawn and there is still light outside.  One year I talked Bob into decorating the grill of the truck but I have not been able to get him to do that again.  His appreciation of the holiday’s pales in comparison to mine. 

November the truck decorations are toned down some as I usually have a small turkey sitting on the dash.  If I can find a Thanksgiving window cling I will get one as I like to put them on the microwave.  Nothing exciting for the month of November and I have not been able to talk myself into wearing turkey earrings.

December though brings about huge changes to the truck and I really get carried away.  Lights are hung at the top of the cabinets and are turned on before going to bed.  I have decorations that hang, sit on the dash, and sit on the table.  I also bring along Christmas cards that need to be filled out and mailed.  This year we have made custom cards that we will send to our business contacts as well as friends and family.  There is also a box that will go to our teachers that are overseas with a card addressed to each student with a small gift for them. 

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Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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