The preview peeked my interest and I found the audible book on line and downloaded it to my IPhone.  As I have said before so many books and so little time to get them all read or listened to.  Our truck driving jobs allow us to listen to an inordinate number of books and I still have a hard time keeping up with all of the books I want to read or listen to.  I always have a book on my phone and one on my kindle, life would not be good without books.

While I have not seen the movie, the book was very good and thought provoking.   The book is about an older couple, one has Alzheimer’s, and the other has advanced cancer, deciding to take a trip in their Leisure Seeker along route 66 to California.  John, who has Alzheimer’s could still drive fine and Ella, who has cancer directs the trip and keeps them heading towards the goal of Disneyland.

Throughout the book John comes in and out of lucidity with funny and touching results.  The character of John can at times be very funny and at other times about bring you to tears as he is so lost.  Ella deals with him mentally coming and going with patience at times and at other times with anger.  John can quickly go from being obstinate to immediately asking if they are home.

They travel along route 66 staying at campgrounds and visiting small cafes as John likes hamburgers.  John has no idea that Ella has cancer and does not realize that Ella is as sick as she is.  At one point in the book Ella falls and as John goes to help her up John falls on top of her.  Now they are both on the ground and neither one of them can get back up to their feet.  It is pretty funny how Ella finally solves this problem.  It is scary to think that we are getting closer to the age where falling can break a bone or we might not have the strength to pull ourselves up.

When stopped for the evening they often get out their slides and watch them on the side of their Leisure Seeker, often drawing a crowd.  The slides were of the many trips they took with their children as they grew up in the Leisure Seeker.  The slides reminded me of the many pictures and albums I have of our girls growing up and our many trips.

Some of the arguments reminded me of Bob and I deciding which direction to go or when to stop.  At times John and Ella would be having a heated argument, Ella would be very mad at John, and John would totally forget they were having an argument and ask a totally different question.  John would not have a clue why Ella was mad at him.  Dealing with a spouse with this disease must require a lot of patience and I can only imagine the excitement when the person you married makes an appearance.

I listened as I was driving and recognized many of the names of the places they drove through on Route 66 and could relate to the condition of the pavement as well as the scenery.  Their story of the trip reminds me to enjoy each day as it comes as we do not know our final date.

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Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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