Over Christmas and New Year’s home time I caught up on a lot of my reading. Something that I noticed happening was people posting ugly comments on social media pages. If there is a personal experience with a product and you can explain what the problem is then post what the problem is not just that the product is awful.
If there is something posted that is disagreeable I plan on using my fingers to go to a different page and not add to ugly comments. What is the old adage? If you cannot say something nice say nothing at all this can be changed to If you cannot type something nice than type nothing at all.
During the year some of my “friends” went off of the deep end with comments about certain subjects that went against my thoughts and beliefs. My time is more valuable than to argue in typing it was much easier for me to not see their posts and move on to subjects I enjoy or entertaining debates. Fun discussion like the best way to go across the country, ways to organize, or hobbies. The world’s problems are for sitting across from each other with a glass of tea or coffee and having a conversation.
When I hear a comment, or see something written that looks derogatory I am going to assume good intentions and respond positively or move on without responding with a negative comment or typing out a negative comment.
Driving is also going to be included in staying calm and not let others ruin a good day. The irritation that I will be working on is people cutting in line. Most people know it takes a truck a bit to get moving but what they forget is it also takes a while to get them to stop. From my high vantage point I can see drivers look at the truck and then position themselves to cut in front of me as soon as traffic starts to move. In 2018, I am going to smile and be very thankful that I am not in such a big rush that I have to cut in line to go somewhere I probably don’t want to go.
This year with the ELD mandate finally in place another area for patience will be the truck stop as Henry Albert pointed out on the TRUCK STOPS. We will have to have patience as driver’s either go slow to not start their clock or as they drive past to get parked to stop their clocks.
Why join the rat race? How hard will it be to make 2018 a positive year and bypass the negative comments?