Are you one of the 45% of Americans who make New Year’s resolution on December 31st every year? How’s your success rate? Only about 8% of people achieve their resolution every year. Make 2016 the year you achieve your New Year’s resolution.
Every year millions of people around the globe pledge to lose weight, save more money, quit smoking, or spend more time with their families. What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2016?
No matter what goal you set for the New Year, there are many tips and tricks that you can do on a daily basis to increase your chances of achieving your goals in 2016. Let’s look at a few ways to help you succeed.

Resolution #1: Lose Weight
Losing weight has always been the top resolution for Americans with over 30% of people pledging to drop a few pounds every year. It’s also one of the least achieved goals. While it’s easy to buy a gym membership and stuff your fridge and pantry with healthy foods, it’s hard to keep the trend throughout the year.
Try these tips to help you lose weight:
- Check your progress weekly – You’re more likely to see progress towards your goals and less likely to become discouraged on a weekly basis versus a daily basis.
- Hire a personal trainer – A personal trainer is not only an expert when it comes to weight loss and getting in shape, but they can hold you accountable to your workouts and what you eat.
- Keep healthy snacks available – Being on the road all the time can certainly be tough on the waistline, but keeping healthy snacks available in your cab will help you achieve your goals.
Resolution #2: Save More Money
We all wish that we had more money in the bank. Now, 2016 is the time to make that dream a reality. Over 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck with little savings for emergency use or to put a down payment on a house or new truck.
Try these tips to help you save more money:
- Automate transfers – You should always pay yourself first. Open a separate savings account and automate weekly transfers from your checking to savings account. Start small and increase the amount over time.
- Track your spending – Curious where all your money goes? Start tracking your money to learn where you can cut back. You can use anything from a simple excel spreadsheet to one of many free or paid apps.
- Reduce your monthly bills – Chances are you can cut back on some of your goals. Since you’re on the road most of the time do you really need cable? Can you cut back on your cellphone bill?
Resolution #3: Quit Smoking
Over 67% of long-haul truck drivers smoke cigarettes on a regularly. Every year smoking is attributed to more than 480,000 deaths in the United States. It is the number one leading cause of lung cancer. Not only is smoking bad for your health and your wallet, but secondhand smoke can have negative effects on the health of your family too.
Try these tips to quit smoking:
- Find your reason – Many people find they are more successful at quitting if they find a personal reason to quit. Maybe it’s for your kids. Or to lower your chance of getting lung cancer or heart disease. Choose a reason that will keep you strong when you have an urge to light up.
- Find a support group – Only about 4% of people are able to quit smoking cold turkey. Your success rate will increase with the use of medicine, but your success rate will climb even higher if you utilize behavioral and support therapies like support groups. Having the emotional support of those around can definitely help you fight those urges.
- Create a “quit plan” – Create a plan to quit and share it with your friends and family. Start with your target date and write down the steps you plan to take to kick your bad habit for good.
No matter what your New Year’s resolution is this year, make it one that is meaningful to you. Maybe it’s to finally get healthy or save money and grow your business. Or perhaps it’s just to take your family to Disney World. Chances of your success will depend on your dedication and personal reasons to achieve your goal.
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