9 Things Truckers Know To Be True
- Getting that stomach pain and the nearest rest area or truck stop is 50 miles away.
- Your dispatcher says “I think they close at 5, but if you get there a little after they’ll probably unload you”.
- Whatever truck you pull behind in the fuel lane, that driver
will go and get something to eat after he pays for fuel.
- You’re at the end of your day and have chosen a truck stop to rest for the night and there’s not a parking place in site.
- The rest area parking lots smell like ammonia for some reason.Wow, it must be clean!
- You park at the very back of the truck stop to have peace and quiet, then a loud reefer pulls up beside you.
- You know the Subway menu better than the employees do.
- Sometimes you forget what state you’re in.
- When you see a cheerful truck stop employee, you know they’re new.