With the holiday season upon us, many pet parents are planning to gather friends and family for fun festive parties.  Keep in mind that although you might be ready to ‘Deck the Halls’, your four-legged friend may not be.  Jingle Bells, Figgy Pudding and Tannenbaum create the perfect recipe for misbehavior.  The family pooch probably isn’t accustomed to lots of guests and merriment so they might be tempted to act out if you’re not prepared.  So, if you’re stressing about how to manage your dog so they doesn’t steal from the table, raid the trash, beg, jump, and whine, then ‘Rest, Ye Merry Gentlemen (and Ladies'); Santa isn’t the only one with a list this year.

Check out the following simple ways to help ensure your dog is on his best behavior and is the perfect host this holiday season.  
  1. Tire Him Out. A tired dog is a good dog.  In all the preparation for your holiday party, it’s easy to forget how important it is to exercise your dog.  Remember, a bored and restless pooch can be naughty.  Make it a high priority to take your dog out for a long walk or run him around in the yard.  With all the preparation and attention to detail you’re doing to make your party perfect, having a wound up dog with pent up energy could mess up the whole works.  The day of your party (before the guests arrive) exercise your dog so he can get it all out of his system. Dogs who are taken for regular walks, runs, or hikes won’t need to release pent-up energy by chewing, begging, or barking.  This means he’ll be better behaved and more relaxed, so you can be too.
  2. Keep Them Occupied. Be sure you have an ample supply of your dogs’ favorite toys, treats, or bones you KNOW will keep them busy.  Toys that stimulate your dog mentally will not only keep him occupied but the mental stimulation will help tire him out.  If your dog is a Kong lover, try stuffing a Kong or two with peanut butter and them putting in the freezer – this will keep your pooch busy for a while!  Food dispensing toys are also excellent options.
  3. Practice Good Behaviors. It’s never too late to reinforce and practice good behaviors.  Start your dog on a refresher course of the basic commands (sit, lay down, stay, wait, leave it, etc.) today!  As always, make sure you have high reward treats on hand.  Also, be prepared on the day of your party or gathering with a good supply of those high reward treats so that you can continue to reward your dog for his good behavior.
  4. Have a Back-Up Plan. Even the most well behaved dogs can forget their manners with all of the excitement and distractions of holiday festivities so it’s important to have a plan B.   If your pooch just can’t curb his enthusiasm, place him in his crate, behind a baby gate, or perhaps on a tether.  If you do have to separate your pooch, give him something really special to keep him occupied.  If your dog normally gets hard biscuits in a Kong, stuffing it instead with a mixture of high-quality dog food and some mashed sweet potatoes will be especially exciting.
  5. Assign Doggie Duty. In the hustle and bustle of the holiday, it’s important your pooch is attended to appropriately.  Recruit and assign a family member or friend to help you keep on eye on your little four-legged host.  They can help keep him in line, curtail any overly generous food-giving guests, and take your dog out for potty breaks and little walks. 
So, don’t worry.  With a little preparation, practice, and a lot of consistency, your dog's good manners will impress your guests (and Santa, too), so you both are sure to earn your spot on the “GOOD LIST” this holiday season.

Comments (3)

Kim Salerno

Kim Salerno is the President & Founder of TripsWithPets.com. She founded the pet travel site in 2003 and is an expert in the field of pet travel. Her popular web site features pet friendly hotels & accommodations across the US and Canada, along with other helpful pet travel resources. Her mission is to ensure that pets are welcome, happy, and safe in their travels.


Michael, My wife would absolutely die to see a pic of the Golden/Corgi mix. We plan on a corgi or yellow lab as soon as our daughter is old enough. Props on taking on a shelter animal, it is the one of the best things to do, giving a home to an otherwise forgotten companion who just wants love!

December 27, 2012 20:14:00 PM

I am a dog person but not for traveling with. We have went from 1 dog a year ago to 3 dogs today....and I never knew we were needing to expand. Bu all three are precious. Our Golden loves to play ball....He lives to chase the ball. Our comination Husky and Border Collie has a lot of energy and must be kept busy to stay out of trouble. Our most recent addition from the Humane Society is a very cute combination Golden Retriever and Corgi...quite an odd combination...a very adorable dog overcoming some fear...think he came from an abused home.

December 25, 2012 1:44:13 AM

Our dog that traveled with us was very well mannered as she always had our attention and knew what was expected of her. With us she enjoyed meeting new people and enjoyed always being in the company of humans. Truck pets are awesome as they can appear to be almost human as they are so used to reading all of our movements and they react accordingly.

There are not enough good words to say about truck pets and what they do for there owners. Santa might look twice at the owner but I am sure that the pet will be high on the good list!

Our Molly had at least a million miles on her and she did not start her trucking career till she had some age on her.

December 24, 2012 5:10:01 AM