I wrote a blog a while back on how I listen to podcasts while driving.  Recently, I upgraded my cellular phone plan to unlimited data which opened up other opportunities to me. Now, I've been listening to YouTube videos while I drive. 

Videos are a visual medium you might say, but there are thousands of lectures and other presentations that are just fine for listening to.  I simply plug my phone into my radio like I do whenyoutube.png I play music, but open up the YouTube app and listen to video through my truck speaker system.  Here are a few of the videos I listened to this weekend:

  • Yale Professor gave a lecture on economics
  • Darren Hardy gave a keynote self help speech to a company
  • A "how to" seminar on buying real estate
  • A lecture on how to determine a good deal on commercial real estate
  • A trip summary of a motorcycle ride from Boston to Alaska

Each one of these videos were over 30 minutes long and a couple were over a hour.  These provided more interesting content than I usually get on podcasts.  I never looked at the videos, but only listened to them.  I was able to get tons of usual knowledge, all while driving and earning a living.  Safely give it a try and make the most of your time on the road.

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Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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