Being someone that typically doesn’t get sick often (knock on wood), I typically don’t have to carve out too much time for doctor’s visits, aside from my annual health screening and DOT physical every two years.  Being that I book all of my loads days in advance, it is not easy for me to just up and take time off when I get sick to go into my doctor’s office, should my symptoms get so severe they warrant something other than self-care and rest.  My plight of not being able to get into a doctor’s office is similar to that of most drivers in this industry, especially when most of us are toting around trucks and trailers that don’t exactly fit so well into strip malls and traditional medical office areas.  Thanks to an app I discovered called “Doctor on Demand”, getting to see the doctor while on the road just got a whole lot easier!


As luck would have it, the inevitable happened and I went down for the count one recent weekend with a severe chest and sinus cold.  Even after resting all weekend, keeping lots of clear fluids in me and taking my recommended doses of Mucinex, I still didn’t feel so hot come Monday.  Knowing my load still had to be hauled I laid off the meds and got the load hauled, sniffling and sneezing my way through the morning, only to feel worse when I got in to park at home for the day.  A friend of mine knew I was under the weather and let me know of an app they had tried for their kids to see a doctor, that saved them from going into a traditional office and being exposed to even more germs during the peak of cold and flu season.  I figured it might be my only option, as I was in no shape to drag my sick self into an urgent care or doctor’s office, just to potentially be exposed to even more germs and viruses from other sickies.  It was Doctor on Demand to the rescue!

Using this new app was almost as easy as the task of downloading it from the app store.  After setting up a profile and listing my symptoms, I was able to easily set up an appointment hours out, not days out like some traditional offices.  For a small fee of $75 I was able to have a face-to-face live exam via the camera on my iPhone.  Not only was the exam thorough, it also included recommendations for care and a prescription.  They are also able as licensed doctors to write notices for work (or school) purposes and recommend follow-up procedures such as lab work.  I inquired about things like ear pain that would be hard to do over-the-phone, and the doctor let me know that there are actually attachments you can buy for your phone’s camera that would allow for these types of exams…WOW!  It is open to anyone, with or without insurance and the standard fees are reasonable, definitely on par or better with what I’ve seen at traditional practices.

So the next time you feel there is no other way to take care of your general medical needs due to being in a truck on the road, remember that there is another option!  For my busy schedule of being a driver myself and still having to take time to operate my other two trucks, the option to use Doctor on Demand fit like a glove.  I can remember back when I used to drive OTR how hard it was and wish there was something like this out there back then when I would get sick and be days or weeks out from home.  Your health should be your #1 priority because without it you are not only endangering yourself, but everyone else out on the road as well.  If you are not performing at peak physical and mental condition due to being under the weather and putting off getting to a doctor, it is bad all around.  Consider giving Doctor on Demand a whirl the next time you feel you need help, but need to bring the help to you, instead of you to it!

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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