Evernote is a very popular app within the business community, however truckers can find it useful as well.  Think of it as a notebook that you always carry and it has every important piece of information that you may need at all times.  There are pay versions of the app, but I’ve found the free version sufficient so far. 

Within the app, I create “notebooks” and within the notebooks, I add my notes.  The notes that I add can be written texts, photos, audio recordings or even lists with built in check boxes. 
These are some of my notebooks and the contents:


  • Trucking
    • Packing list for when I leave home
    • Empty Weight of truck and trailer
    • VIN’s and license plates for truck and trailer
    • Maintenance Schedule
  • Business Cards
    • I don’t keep business cards anymore, I scan them in with my camera and save them to Evernote
  • Family
    • Website Passwords
    • Personal vehicles maintenance schedule
    • Medical information of myself and family members
  • Wallet – Anything  I used to carry in my wallet
    • Insurance cards
    • Rewards Cards

This app has really helped my productivity by allowing me to have every bit of information that I need at my fingertips- and I can access with or without internet.  Any information that has to be accessed periodically is a great fit for Evernote.  The information that we access daily is almost seared into our memories, but the information that we only access once a month or so, is nearly impossible to remember and sometimes even hard to find.  Adding it to Evernote is a great way to solve the problem.  

Check out this link to more apps that I've found helpful.


Comments (2)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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October 18, 2018

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January 08, 2016


There are many more uses Linda. There's really no limit.

June 07, 2016 17:55:06 PM

Joey we use Evernote but had no idea it could do so much!

June 07, 2016 6:02:27 AM