We are most familiar with the TA/Petro showers, but the principle is the same with many of the other truck stops. The most common way to obtain a shower is to purchase 50 gallons are more of diesel fuel and swipe our rewards card. In this manner we acquire one free shower credit. How we use that credit is where it can become complicated. Showers can also be purchased with the price ranging from $9.00 on up.
One way to obtain a shower is to find the kiosk inside the truck stop and swipe the rewards card. This will tell us how many showers we have available and then we click we want to shower now. The kiosk will print out a receipt with a driver id, door code, and then we have to find the shower monitor. If all is calm the shower will show us our driver id and what shower we have been assigned. Sometimes though the list of people waiting for showers is very long and it might take an hour or more to get the shower. A group of drivers can be seen standing around waiting and watching the shower monitor for their number to shown and what shower has been assigned.

As a team we can take the shower receipt up to the fuel desk and ask for a team shower. The attendant will then print out another ticket with another driver id and then we are back at the shower monitor waiting for the shower to be assigned.
The new and easiest way to get a shower is to use the TA/Petro App. In this way from the comfort of the truck we can book a shower and have a driver id assigned to us. Next we wait for the email that will tell us what shower number has been assigned. If a team shower is desired we only have to show the assigned shower to the attendant and they will print us out another ticket and driver id.
Over the years the showers have been remodeled till some are as nice as a 4-star hotel. In the past if we wanted more than one towel I would have to hunt up and down the shower hallway looking for an attendant to get me a towel. No longer is this true as each shower is stocked with two towels, a hand towel, a washcloth, and a floor mat.
The TA/Petro App has made getting a shower easier and a lot less stressful then standing around a shower monitor waiting, waiting, and then waiting some more for a shower to be assigned.