I have been an entrepreneur for twenty years now…wow! Where did the time go? Our lives pass so quickly and if we want to build relationships with family, friends and pursue a dream or passion then we better not wait until “someday.” Someday is here and now and none of us know our future or how many days we have to enjoy this life.
To make this the best life it can be, I’ve made it a priority to surround myself with positive people. They are generally more fun and help to build my self-confidence. Hanging out with upbeat, optimistic people has been an amazing contributing factor to my happiness in life and career success.
Our world surrounds us with constant negativity. Bad news comes from current media sources and many people themselves carry a negative attitude. Attitudes are contagious so I tend to filter out negativity. It’s difficult for me to focus on doing my best at work or on a project when I don’t have a positive attitude. Have you ever hung around a person who is constantly complaining, who doesn’t like their job or boss? These people can easily ruin a good day or thought just by their words. Negative people seem to put others down and don’t support others ideas, dreams and passions. Positive people in our lives will encourage us to be our best. They fill us with energy and have a strong sense of self-esteem.
I also have some passionate friends who I tend to hang with whenever possible. These people are like me in the fact that they think anything is possible. These are entrepreneurs who take risks and live for their next adventure. These friends inspire me and are always encouraging. Whenever I begin to doubt myself in a situation, I call on these friends to seek out opinions and advice. We enjoy shared time discussing challenges and successes.
Finding mentors and business leaders who are successful and have been willing to pass along their knowledge has been invaluable in my life and career. I think it’s so important to seek out these people however you can. Many of them are willing to share their “story” in regards to what they have learned throughout their own life and the steps they took to become successful. I value my relationships with these people as each one is so important in my life. I enjoyed reading the 10 rules for staying positive by Vicki Hitzges. Make sure to note number 10!!!
Vicki Hitzges wrote a book “Attitude is Everything” 10 Rules for staying positive…

- Wait to worry.
- Keep an attitude of gratitude.
- Your health is your wealth.
- The serious benefits of belly laughs.
- Joy boomerangs.
- Losing the fight? Write.
- Keep the faith baby.
- Learn to say no graciously.
- Understand the power of discipline.
- Surround yourself with positive people.