July 19, 2013
Jeff Clark
Things to do in 30 Minutes After my last blog it might be time to go tongue in cheek. I did not ask for the new rule. My responses during the listening period were against it. I believe that 2 15 minute breaks would be more effective. None of that matters. We have been charged to figure out what to do for half an hour in the middle of our work day. If you are on Elogs, 31 minutes. You’d hate to have round off error force you to do it twice. One of my favorite movie scenes was Ernest Borgnine as Vince Lombardi. After a rough game he stood up in front of his players with a football in hand and said “We’re getting back to basics-Gentlemen this is a football. Legend-and the movie has it that Max McGee responded with-“Coach could you get a little more basic.” In that spirit, drivers this is a fork. I know that we haven’t used it in a while. We have been eating quickly and getting back to work. We have been shoving food down our mouths when we work. When you use a fork, you can eat healthier food. Try to imagine eating a salad. The fork can be used to stab the food. You put the food in your mouth and take it off of the fork. Then it is best to chew your food completely. I know that we’ll want to swallow the food right away, but we have time to kill now. We might as well chew. These are shoes. They are meant for walking. Coach Wooden would give his players instructions on how to tie them. It isn’t that hard. We can do this. Go for a walk. We have to waste a half an hour anyway. There is no law that says we just have to sit there and watch the clock. A nice walk in the middle of the day is a good thing. And we no longer have to feel guilty about it. This is a dog. It likes to go for walks. Yes, for years we have just been taking it out for bathroom breaks and then stuffing them back in the truck. They like to go for real walks too. They like to play too. You can throw them a ball or a Frisbee. They’ll probably bring it back to you. Our shoulders haven’t done this for a while. It is best to start out slowly. You may have to underhand a toss or two. The dog won’t mind. If you’re still bored, write your representative. I’m serious. Complaining on facebook is not going to help. It has been a long time since laws were cast in stone. Take actual examples, that you now have, of how the break has cut your income. Then send an email.
Comments (3)
Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.
April 21, 2013
Henry Albert
February 07, 2018
Rip Watson
June 22, 2015
Jimmy Nevarez
I have also learned that mid day is a great time to stop for a shower. It has taken some adjusting on my part too and a little bit more planning. You know how much I like planning.
July 20, 2013 5:56:33 AM
i took the break before it was law and always enjoyed using forks to eat . If you get bored there is a knife and spoon which make the perfect companion tools to the fork.
July 20, 2013 5:56:27 AM
Linda Caffee
The 30 minute break was a wakeup call to me... As a firm believer and also someone that drives slow I keep the left door shut and that is not always a good idea. I push myself to hard to keep getting on down the road. When I first started taking the 30 minute break it lasted FOREVER and even now I am still having to remind myself to stop and smell the roses. Like you I fought against the break until it became a rule, now I will make the most of it and to tell the truth I have found the break to be refreshing.
July 19, 2013 5:42:27 AM
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