This will publish on my 57th birthday and I hope that I have gathered a little wisdom along the way. The last year or so have been rough up here at the Clark compound. Last November my wife had a terrible fall. She is an EMT. While rushing to help a young girl she fell down the stairs and suffered severe spinal chord injuries. She has done remarkable well. On May 7th we lost my brother to a heart attack. Then this summer while we were at the show in Walcott, IA, my son was involved in a one car accident. He works construction. He is perhaps a little too much like his father. Farm construction workers work incredibly long hours in the summer. Kevin fell asleep about 04:00 on his way into work. His car went off the road and he too suffered severe spinal chord injuries. They both can walk, and I am eternally thankful. It does make you think.

Roxanne's birthday is on New Years' Eve. We had family over. At midnight just about every one was asleep. My grand daughter who turned 5 this year stayed up with me. The two of us watched the ball drop together. It was a special moment that I will always remember. Just the two of us sitting in the recliner. Talking about the end of one year and the start of another. Earlier when another one of my grand daughters (I have 5) was just an infant, we were the first two up. She was whiny. I held her. I walked with her. We had CMT on. She was still whiny. I danced with her and sang softly to her. She stopped being whiny and smiled at me. Then she just laid in my arms while we danced – slowly – I am after all pretty old. It was special.

There have been times with my grandsons as well. While running errands one day with a 5 year old, we stopped in at a local Wisconsin Tavern for lunch. Wisconsin taverns are much more eating places at lunch time than bars. You may see a dozen cheese heads having lunch, but no alcohol on the bar. As soon as his mom walked into the house he blurted out “Grandpa took me to the bar.” I laughed. That boy needs to learn the guy code. Then I remember trying to correct another grandson's English. After getting a gift from Grandma – I said that it was nice for grandma to give him the gift. He said that she got it for him because “Her loves me”. I said no “She loves you”. He responded with “Yes, HER DOES!” He's right. I give up.

I am still passionate about the trucking industry. That will never change. Hopefully, I have gained some perspective to go with my sore back. People like to say that trucking is a lifestyle. If I have one piece of advice to give to a new trucker I would tell them that trucking is what pays for your bills. Don't make it your life.

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Comments (4)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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Thanks Stephen and Sandy - I hope that I have learned something.

January 16, 2016 14:20:41 PM

Happy belated Birthday Jeff. Here is to many more to come! Stephen and Sandy

January 16, 2016 11:06:26 AM

Thank You Craig - watching the ball drop with a beautiful grand daughter was a great start. Now, no one ever tell her that it was only 23:00 here.

January 15, 2016 13:12:30 PM

Very nice article Jeff. Happy Birthday! I hope this year is much better at the Clark compound.

January 15, 2016 8:39:58 AM