My shift to drive is basically from 3:00 am to 3:00 pm and that is over the dreaded 6 am time when people get drowsy while driving. 
Ways that I stay awake:
Keep the cab of the truck cool


  • Tap my feet on the floor boards
  • Drink lots of water - sometimes drowsiness is caused by dehydration
  • When not in traffic move legs around and push against the floor to raise the seat
  • Sit straight up in the seat as if you are Mary Poppins for as long as you can
  • Make up stories about what you see on the side of the road - seat cushion from the middle of the couch, how is the husband going to explain that to the wife?
  • Move your eyes around so as not to get hypnotized by the road
  • Listen to music that brinks back memories are gets the blood flowing - if a team driver use a head set so only one of you is awake
  • Use the 1/2 hour break to walk around the truck stop or a rest area
  • Shrug your shoulders

Now after doing all that work to stay awake it is time to go to sleep:



  • Don’t eat right before going to bed
  • Clear your mind - read a book - good one is the FMCSA handbook
  • Use ear plugs so as not to hear the truck beside you idle or other vehicles passing when in a team driving situation
  • Get rid of all rattles
  • I like to use lavender sheet spray - it is calming and really you will not get out of sleeper smelling like a lavender field.  Works for men and women
  • Keep sleeper cool and dark
  • Put the phone down and out of reach

As team drivers we have a difficult time getting enough exercise.  Many of our loads do not allow us to get any further then 25 feet from the truck unless the co driver is sitting in the front seat.  Bob does not mind walking around and around the truck but I find it boring and tedious but sometimes better than doing nothing.



  • We have added the FIT System Stepper to the truck and will use this when stopped or cannot get away from the truck to walk.  Bonus as a Team Run Smart Member you can get 10% off of the FIT
  • Get the candy, chips and unhealthy snacks out of your truck
  • Reach for nuts, cut-up vegetables like bell peppers or radishes
  • Take a cheese stick and wrap a piece of meat around it for a snack
  • Get a fitness tracker such as a FitBit to track your walks, join FitBit Challenges to push yourself to do more against your friends
  • Join other health challenges such as the one Saint Christopher’s Fund is having.
  • I play Ingress and that encourages me to walk just a little further to look for a portal
  • Cook in the truck
  • Watch some of the cooking videos that are on Team Run Smart for ideas YouTube Team Run Smart


There are not many exercised that we can do while we are driving but....
While reading through a few articles this past week I found this exercise " Ab Vacuum” that can be done while driving. 
As a truck driver we often slouch in our seat or use the seat to support our back for many hours a day, day in and day out.  Our core muscles slowly deteriorate over time.  This exercise while not easy to perform will help if we make a practice of performing it a few times a week.
Only perform this exercise while it is safe to do so.
While sitting up straight in the seat exhale and while exhaling suck in your belly button to try and touch your spine.  Hold the position for 15 seconds, at first, then progress up to 60 seconds taking small breaths as needed. 
To make the exercise a little harder perform the Ab Vacuum while sitting straight up in the seat with no back support just like Mary Poppins.
Here is a video of how to do a proper Ab Vacuum

Remember our CDL is how we make a living and without it where will we be? Staying healthy and mentally alert when driving will allow us to drive till we are ready to quit and not when someone else tells us we are not longer fit to sit behind the wheel.   What ever it takes to stay motivated to make 2016 your healthiest year do it with a plan.


Comments (2)

Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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It was good seeing you as well Dan

January 08, 2016 7:29:29 AM

It was a great surprise and good to see you guys when Brock and I passed through Elkhart. Stay safe...and watch those side roads!

January 07, 2016 22:24:36 PM