With the recent “How To Check Your Oil” video blog by fellow Pros Bob and Linda Caffee, I was reminded of a recent “oil check” addition I made to my routine in order to keep in top condition. Feeling the ever-increasing pressure of trying to increase my operational capacity and keep a level head during it all, I turned to essential oils. For a long time I had heard of using natures oils to help do everything from curb one’s appetite, fight away headaches and sore muscles, or even improve the quality of your sleep. It wasn’t until my “better half” felt their benefits from continued use that I tried them and was made a believer.

Sore muscles, stress tension, and even lack of quality sleep were all things starting to show themselves as a result of stress I had been under as of late. Not wanting to take over the counter “cure-alls” for these issues, I was witness to my wife and her putting into place research she had done on the use of essential oils to improve all of these conditions I just mentioned. I figured I would give it a whirl one day when I came home with a severe headache and was amazed at the results. Just by rubbing a little bit of an oil blend dubbed “Headache” from her newest pack of oils from “21 Drops” and a quick 30-minute nap, my borderline migraine was eliminated to the point I could get back to my afternoon routine in the home office without the searing pain in my cranium! “Sleep” blend, which of course is based on lavender oil, is another oil we have used each night by rubbing onto our pillowcases that has resulted in what seems to be a more restful and relaxed quality of sleep ever since.

Having bought several brands of oil, including everything from well-known multi-level marketing all the way to the newest brand in the pictures here that is available at our local Costco, making sure quality oils are used is the most important part of using essential oils. We have made sure the ones we use are non-synthetic, cruelty-free, organic and non-GMO. This kit from “21 Drops” seems to offer the best mix of quality-to-price throughout the different brands we have purchased, especially for those getting into essential oils for the first time. My continued use of oils to maintain balance and focus in my life has been a great mix into a daily routine to de-stress and stay level headed. Though I haven’t given diffusing oils into the air a whirl yet, mainly due to the fact that some diffused oils are not pet friendly, their topically applied benefits have been evident enough to warrant their continual use. Give essential oils a try and even at the least, have a little bit of good smelling oil on your skin throughout the day or night with the added benefit of helping curb some common ailments!