

As the ELD mandate of December 18th rapidly approaches, I am watching the final countdown with great interest.  I recently ordered my ELD from Big Road.  I waited to the last minute and decided I'd waited long enough.  NASTC (National Association of Small Trucking Companies) who I'm a proud member of, recommends the Big Road ELD solution to its members.  And because I trust NASTC and their desire to look out after the "little guy", I took their recommendation.


The above picture is of the old ELOG and will not meet the ELD requirement in a few weeks I'm sad to say.  I saw on Twitter where these were being sold at select truckstops just after Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, many bought into this old technology without knowing all the facts and will soon find out that they wasted their money on obsolete technology. 


Sadly, I discovered the above picture will not meet the ELD requirement either.  Even though the paper log book is clearly connected to the engine as evidenced by the wiring, the FMCSA wants to remove the driver edit portion to reduce "errors."

It should be very exciting to see what happens in the next few weeks.  The biggest regulation change to come to trucking in my 25 years of being in the industry will be something to watch!

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Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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