In a conversation with my fellow Team Run Smart Pros, a side converstion item sparked my attention.  Being that one of my hobbies is shooting and you can believe that being in California definitely means that I am not allowed to carry a firearm, I asked them “What protective device can you can use to protect yourself while in the truck?”  I tend to carry a small keychain-sized pepper spray within close reach, just in case a situation should get out of hand while I am in the cab or sleeper of my truck.  This got me wondering exactly what other people out there might do for protection.
Not that I want to sound like your load is worth your life!  Believe me, if someone threatens my life to steal my cargo, the safe betting odds would be somewhere between me heading the opposite direction and the possibly of seeing me helping them shovel the cargo into their vehicle to save my own rear!  Not that I wouldn’t want to stand up to them, but I don’t roll around in full body bulletproof suit and like most humans without protection, I am “highly allergic to lead”!  In my opinion no load is worth my life, but I do want to be safe should someone try to break into my truck with me in it and cause me bodily harm.
I have carried several things over the years that could qualify as protective weapons including things like pocket knives, hammers, tire irons and my trusty pepper spray.  I usually like having things small enough to put in the small compartment under my radio, so I can access them in a hurry if need be.  I have heard of someone using wasp hive spray as well to thwart off would-be attackers, but I don’t think this would fit in my convenient little safety device hiding spot.  Like most things I carry on the truck for safety like a fire extinguisher and reflective triangles, it is not something I want to use, but is there in the event I may need it!  What do you carry to protect yourself from harm while out there on the road?

Comments (3)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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Not that I'm aware of. I bought it for myself, my friend Brenda and my daughter. It was recommended to me by my former dispatcher at A. Blair Enterprises who was a retired cop. There is an amazing video on YouTube showing the effect on somebody. Or, there was. I would imagine it's still there.

February 05, 2017 14:09:41 PM

chetjester, I just checked out their website at and this stuff looks pretty intense! I just may have to get an order into them for my wife and myself! Do you know if they happen to require any certification, since I see they offer training on their site as well?

February 05, 2017 13:15:31 PM

I carry FOX 5.3. from Fox Labs International. Police recommended. Haven't had to use it, thankfully.

February 04, 2017 11:45:44 AM