Welcome to the first of many blogs I plan to create geared towards helping this great community of trucking industry individuals succeed through working together.  My name is Jimmy Nevarez, owner and president of Angus Transportation, Inc. and Freightliner Team Run Smart Pro.  For me trucking goes back to childhood.  I loved the sound and power of big engines, whether they were in a ship, train, plane, heavy machinery, or a big truck.  I was utterly infatuated with them and I now know because of this, it was inevitable I would operate something big for a living one day.  Having grandparents that operated at one time as an OTR team during part of trucking’s “hay day”, leads me to believe it was in my DNA from the start.  As a younger driver, I was often asked if “I was driving my Dad’s truck?”, or “Are you old enough to drive that thing?”  This, along with many others, has earned me the nickname that stuck…”The Kid”.
Having manifested this destiny into a reality, now being in trucking for eleven years, I hope to bring some of my knowledge to the table in an effort to help others.  I have driven many different types of truck and trailer combinations and have even functioned in payroll, billing, and dispatch.  Through all of my different experiences there were definitely trials and tribulations.  These “speed bumps” were a primary source of learning how to succeed, as I found a certain lack of “credible” information out there.  Attaining my bachelor’s degree in business operations management allowed me to take my “hard knocks” learning a step further and taught me to focus on operating my truck from a true business perspective.  I now hope to take part in saving others from making the mistakes that I had go through while learning things the hard way.  Having found that there was a lack of good answers during my quest the hard way, I now aim to provide (or find with help from my fellow Team Run Smart Pros) those answers and help make it easier for those following my blog to find their own true success.

As for my non-trucking activities, I enjoy an active lifestyle.  When away from the truck, I find myself longing for time getting back to nature.  I guess I just love the freedom of being outside, whether it is snowboarding, fishing, riding my skateboard, brewing my own ale in the backyard, heading to the shooting range, or going to the beach with my wife and daughter.  Yes, you are not seeing things, it says riding a skateboard!  I can often be seen zipping around the terminals, truck stops, and at certain select customer’s facilities on my 36-inch longboard.

With the formalities of introductions out of the way, I would like to invite you to follow my future blog posts and join in on my journey with the rest of the Freightliner Team Run Smart Pros, as we learn from each other and attempt to share our knowledge with you and the rest of the trucking community.  Here’s to future success…Cheers!


Comments (8)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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Great meeting you and look forward to learning from you especially on the tech fron.

February 27, 2013 20:52:46 PM

Thank you Henry, it has been an honor and pleasure to work with you thus far and I am excited to continue working together with you and the rest of the team to help bring success to the rest of the trucking community.

Amy, it is nice to make your acquaintance! Thank you for following along as I join the rest of the Team Run Smart Pros in trying to help spread success through knowledge and observation, all while remaining my colorful self.


February 25, 2013 21:29:05 PM

Just signed up to follow your blog! Thanks for the colorful introduction!

February 25, 2013 13:40:30 PM

Welcome to the team Jimmy. I am looking forward to working with you as a Team Run Smart Pro !

February 23, 2013 12:48:09 PM

Thank you Jimmy. I hope to be around for a while.

February 22, 2013 8:19:52 AM

Thank you Grant and Craig. Congratulations to you as well Craig on holding the spotlight as featured member of the month for February! I look forward to seeing you around the Team Run Smart Community.

February 21, 2013 20:29:58 PM

Nicely done, Jimmy! Congrats! Looking forward to following your blog!

February 21, 2013 20:17:57 PM

I look forward to following your travels and information on your blog. Congratulations on becoming a Team Run Smart Pro!

February 21, 2013 9:06:15 AM