I am not usually one for resolutions, since I know the statistics are always stacked up against their success.  Instead, I plan out my new goals and ideas and carry through on them with an “all or nothing” approach.  I applaud those who stick to their goals and resolutions made during this celebration of a new coming year and see success in dieting, smoking cessation, and things of the like.  This year I am going to take a new approach and make a change to help pay forward some of what I think should be done, thanks to following in the shadow of a friend that already does the same.
Having been in the military very young in my life and having both military and law enforcement in the family, I have the utmost respect for those that put their life on the line for others as a career choice.  In a conference call with a fellow driving colleague of mine several weeks ago, he shared a great story of something he has always “just done” to honor those that do so.  He described how he will actually pick up the tab anonymously of someone in uniform at a restaurant, should he see them dining where he is taking a break to eat as well.  I think this is a gesture that can go a very long way in letting someone know they are appreciated, in a line of work where they may not always feel that way.  I think it is such a good thing that he is doing that I want to start doing this as well in the New Year and well beyond. 
Being that I have been given more than my share of success and well being, I want to take a stance to give back some of the kindness and generosity I have been shown along the way.  I do not want any recognition for doing this task, but rather would like to see others join me in doing kind deeds and making a change in their life like this for their “resolutions” this year.  It does not matter what your chosen cause is or who you think might be a deserving party, so long as you give back in general.  It doesn’t even necessarily take money either, as an anonymous quote from payitforwardday.com says, “If you have much, give your wealth; if you have little, give your heart.”  Like Mahatma Gandhi said, ““Be the change you want to see in the world.”  I wish to everyone out there safe celebrations while ringing in 2016 and nothing but the utmost prosperity!  Looking forward to another great year with all of the other Pros, Coaches, and Members here in the Team Run Smart community!  Cheers!

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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