On December 2nd, I had the privilege of attending the final 2014 stop for the Rolling Strong Driver Wellness Tour in Ontario, California. This was a great opportunity for me to meet face-to-face with other drivers and help promote a healthier lifestyle for those, who like me, spend the great majority of their time behind the wheel. Despite the cooler than normal temperatures and dousing of rain we received that day, many drivers still made it over to our tents to see we were doing.

There were plenty of healthy snacks and insulated lunch tote goodie bags provided by Rolling Strong for any drivers curious enough to come over and see what was going on. We also had a Cascadia Evolution on display, equipped with the Freightliner In-Cab Fitness System (FIT System), which drivers could try out for themselves or watch Rolling Strong health coaches demonstrate the healthy exercises that can be done in the comfort of a truck cab. Hepatitis C screening was also offered on site for anyone who wanted to be tested. It was very interesting to learn some facts about this disease, such as that it may remain dormant in your body for many years and that the testing for it in this manner could be done in as little as 20 minutes.

One of the other events that we had going on was the Big Rigger Challenge, where anyone could compete in bench-pressing a steer tire for both a daily high number and against the running high number from all of the four tour stops combined. Congratulations are in order for the gentleman with the daily high of 50 repetitions (in the rain nonetheless) that won a FIT system for doing so. Another round of congratulations are to be had for both the woman and man who completed a tour-wide high of 76 and 101 repetitions respectively. For the woman who won there is a $100 spa certificate that she earned and for the man a highly coveted Rolling Strong belt buckle!

I consider it a great privilege to be able to attend events like this and I'm always glad to hear the stories from other drivers pertaining to how they have become healthier on the road and how it has bettered their lives. The change from the mindset that a truck driver is doomed to a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle, to one in the past few years where drivers are becoming aware that it is becoming increasingly vital to remain healthy and active instead, is proof to me that progress is being made. I am honored to continue fighting the good fight and to be able to help influence others make healthy choices out on the road!