If you ever meet Mike Ryan, you'll see that he moves a little slow.  That's very understandable after you read about the work he's done in the film and television industry.  I have news for you; those movie stars are just pretty faces and there's a lot of hard, dangerous work going on behind the scenes to make them look good.

Mike has been in the stunt business for over 30 years. You've seen his work many times in some of the highest grossing action films Hollywood has every produced.  But you didn't know it was him.  You probably thought that was Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2 jumping that truck in the aqueducts or Vin Diesel doing all those crazy stunts in the Fast and Furious brand of movies...Wrong, you were watching Mike.

Without further delay, here's the video of his latest stunt.  He jumps a full size tractor trailer over a Formula 1 car.  It wasn't done the way that I expected as he gets a little help from the Formula 1 driver.

Comments (2)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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Looks like fun to me.

April 27, 2016 19:06:30 PM

Nice! 👀

December 05, 2014 21:26:32 PM