See a Doctor


Truckers and runners have something in common. Both groups seem to be reluctant to go see a doctor. For truck drivers it can be a costly inconvenience. We gave to schedule time off. We may have to miss several days of revenue for a 30 minute appointment. Runners feel in tune with their bodies and tend to self diagnose. Both groups are making a mistake.


I went through a self diagnosis, don't see a doctor thing myself this year. It cost me several months of needless discomfort. It made it uncomfortable to take long walks let alone runs. It is embarrassing and I will try not to get too graphic. This may be more common among truck drivers than average citizens. We may suffer needlessly.


This all started with a toothache on the road. A root canal fixed the oral problem. The oral anti biotic cause a nasty reaction. Pluritus Ani is often started by an adverse reaction to oral medication. The symptoms mimic hemorhoids. My self treatment was not helping. Finally, I went to see my regular doctor. He sent me to a specialist that face it, most of us would feel uncomfortable going to.


The actual exam took just a few minutes. We sat and talked after the exam and he had a diagnosis of Pluritis Ani. Basically that is a scratching of the system. It is often caused by oral antibiotics and made worse by away from home toilet tissue. I followed the doctor's instructions and I am definitely improving. I have been able to run 3 miles without a walk break. That is a far cry from where I was a month ago. Scheduling and embarrassment kept me from seeking treatment.


When any health problem persists, see a professional. Hopefully it will be relatively minor problem that can be fixed. Don't suffer needlessly. It could also be a major problem. Delaying examination could cost you your life. Much has been written, true and false, about truckers life expectancy. Don't let not seeing a doctor shorten yours.

Comments (7)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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Well said, Les

August 26, 2014 6:55:50 AM

Self Diagnosis has led to a many Deaths. Please Folks, Get out of that Truck and see your doctor. Ask yourself Who is more wealthy, The man with a million dollar bank account lying on his death bed or is it the man with a thousand dollars and able to run a 10k ?? Health is Wealth Period!!!!

August 25, 2014 16:12:33 PM

You are all right. Maintenance is better than repair. To me the idea that we can lose our CDL after a voluntary MD visit is counterproductive.

August 25, 2014 5:50:12 AM

Yeah I was that Guy Once , Until I Herd The Word Stroke!!! Come out of my Doctor's mouth when it concerned me. That's all it took for me to have regular Doctor visit. Even when I feel fine. 😷

August 24, 2014 19:17:29 PM

Yes, that can definitely be another poor excuse to not to go to the Dr.

August 24, 2014 6:20:13 AM

Going to the doctor is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for your family. How much difficulty will your family face with you gone? I'll relay a sad but true series of events. Once upon a time 11 years ago the truck that I now own belonged to another guy. In fact he is the one that built it (turned it into a firefighting water tender from an over the road truck). In the spring of 2003 he was attempting to perform the physical fitness test required by the forest service for water tender operators. About two thirds of the way through he started getting very short of breath and had chest pains so he stopped the test. He didn't say anything to anyone and he didn't go to the doctor because he didn't want to lose his CDL or his marine captains license.

You see, he was also an ocean going tug boat captain pulling barges from the west coast to Hawaii and back and he made extremely good money. His plan was to retire from the ocean and work his new water truck during the summers and vacation the rest of the year.
Three months later he was sitting in his living room talking on the phone. Again he got chest pains but this time told the person he was talking to what was happening. He stood up from his chair and collapsed on the floor. The individual on the other end of the line realized something was wrong and called 911. He was gone long before paramedics arrived. The autopsy revealed that he suffered his second heart attack, the first one during the physical test a few months earlier, but this one was a massive heart attack and the coroner said he was dead before he hit the ground after he stood up.

As the events played out after his death I ended up buying his entire business from his estate which was being handled by his 80 year old mom. I can honestly say I would much rather have him here and not have the business. He was incredibly intelligent, witty and very funny. He had many friends and was loved by his family. My family knew his family. You see, even if you don't think so, you will leave a huge hole in the lives of those you've touched after you depart this life. The doctors told his family that it is very likely he would still be here today had he went to the doctor the very day he experienced chest pains during the physical fitness test.
If you take one thing away from this great article that Jeff wrote, GO TO THE DOCTOR! DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE AND DO NOT WAIT!! Your CDL is worthless if you are gone.

Thank you Jeff for writing this article.

August 23, 2014 17:32:40 PM

Good Advice. Not going to the doctors is set in many roots. 1st cost. Time off from work and cost of the doctor's vista. 2nd is fear that what might be wrong may cost the driver time away from work for treatment or even loss of CDL. 3rd not all drivers have insurance and may not have the funds to bear the cost of seeing the doctor.

August 23, 2014 9:07:02 AM