Whether you are keen of sight or like me, can’t drive without corrective lenses, the importance of your annual eye exam should not be overlooked as a commercial driver. We rely on the clarity of our vision to help see all that goes on around us in these mighty behemoths of the road. Being our primary receptors to take in all that we must react to out there, making sure our sight is in top shape should be a primary concern of all drivers.
The time was approaching yet again for my annual eye exam and having opted out for new glasses last year, due to a virtually unchanged prescription, it was time this year to consider updating my corrective lenses. After trying contacts for six months a few years back, I decided traditional glasses were the most favorable form of vision correction for me. Having lost my sunglasses a month ago, I was now practically forced to make the time to get into the optometrist for an exam and update my glasses and prescription.
Although my vision still has not changed much as of this most recent exam, I was shown the harmful effects of my line of work on my choice of personal corrective eyewear. The scratches from a couple rough years of driving were beginning to affect how well I could see out of them and the doctor recommended replacing them and retiring the old scratched pair to now be my spare set. Trying on several new pairs I was able to observe the clarity I once had when my set
of glasses were brand new. Not only did this exam visit offer a way to obtain clear vision once again, but it was also a good way to look into my overall health too.
Through a photomap of my eye the doctor was able to see that there was no macular degeneration and that there were no early signs of diabetes in my eyes. The health of someone’s eyes can help to uncover risk in other parts of the body early as well, which is yet another reason to make sure to get in for your annual exam. As a commercial driver, it is hard to find time to take care of things like eye appointments, doctor appointments, and dental appointments. Be sure to remind yourself just how important it is to take care of your vision and make it a priority! Vision is a gift that most people take for granted, but don’t be that person that doesn’t realize its value until it is lost!