In relation to a blog I once did on choosing a good business name, a slogan for your business that sets you apart from the rest can be just as important!
In a past article, I had written titled “What’s in a name?” I brought to light the importance of choosing the proper business name that customers would remember and that sets one apart from the competition. Recently while studying trucks and trailers as I went down the road, I came to the realization that many business slogans I see on equipment are very plain or cliché. Of course, everyone wants to be known for doing a great job, but by using business slogans like “Service Driven” or “Quality Above the Rest”, your message of providing superb service may not be coming through as clear as you think.
Even though, the number one question I get about my company name is, “Do you haul beef?,” the name tends to stick with my customers. When thinking of my slogan, I wanted something else that was just as recognizable, to further set me apart from everyone else. Sticking with the Angus bull theme, I decided to be known as the “No Bull” carrier with bulls on his trucks! The slogan under my company logo on most of my printed materials simply states, “We get your freight there safe and on-time...No Bull!”, which is catchy enough and fitting for what we do.
Without a catchy slogan that fits with your company name and stands out, you may find yourself lost in a crowd of average slogans. Every day while running my company, I search for new ways to make it stand out in all aspects of my business, from the first phone call booking a load, all the way to the point where we have made delivery and are thanking the customer for using us amongst their many choices to haul their freight. However, the right company name and slogan often leaves a first impression and should not be overlooked when it comes to standing out amongst the masses of other companies out there vying for the same exact freight you are looking to haul.