Our goal at ATBS is to help our clients live a richer life. In order to do that, we become the ‘pit crew’ that guides you to greater profitability and helps you run a better business. So what does that mean for you? It means you get to do more of the things you love to do…drive and spend time with your loved ones.
One of the first things that ATBS does for new clients is set them up with a business consultant. Consider this person your crew chief. They are going to be there for you when you need them, and they’re going to be the person to get you the answers you’ve been asking.
Creating a Profit Plan
Constructing a personalized profit plan is one of the most important things that a driver can do. This is your roadmap to financial success. A profit plan consists of two main items, revenue and expenses.

When determining revenue for a client, we run through quite a few different pieces of information that help give us a complete picture. We start by determining the number of miles a client thinks they will run on any given month. We then use their rate per mile to give us a good starting point. Other factors like fuel surcharge and miscellaneous pay will allow us to determine your total revenue.
Once we have determined the kind of revenue your business expects to make, it’s time to talk about the expenses you will encounter. Things like your truck payment, truck insurance, and FHUT are all fixed expenses. These are things that you pay for each month.
In addition to fixed expenses, there are also variable expenses that can fluctuate from month to month. Things like fuel, maintenance, and fuel taxes are all examples of a variable expense. 
Once we have helped you put together your profit plan, you will know exactly how many miles you need to run each month so you can break even. From there it’s all profit in your pocket.
It’s a good idea to review this profit plan several times throughout the year to see how you’re doing. Are you making enough money to pay your quarterly tax estimates? Have you saved enough for that vacation you’ve been planning? Are you running the miles you thought you would? All of these are questions you should be asking yourself on a regular basis.
If you haven’t created a profit plan for your business yet, call ATBS to get enrolled in our Standard Business Services package. Your assigned business consultant will walk you through all the things that help make up your monthly revenue and expenses and guide you to higher profitability.
This article was originally featured on ABTSshow.com.

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Sean Bryant

Sean is a graduate of the University of Iowa where he received a Bachelor's of Arts degree in economics. After beginning his career in banking, he found his love for marketing. Before arriving at ATBS in 2014 he spent time working for two different technology startups as well as his own freelance marketing company.

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April 21, 2018


I use ATBS and wound recommend them to new and already O/O. Unlike a computer program or App they can help explain what all the Data means.

August 14, 2016 10:29:11 AM