Having Internet is an integral part of my workday. I have bills to pay, blogs to write, work sites to read, and correspondence to read and send. When in remote areas I know and am prepared to not have Internet but when heading to a large city I expect to have signal.
We do not have TV in our truck nor have we had TV at home for many years so we have not used TV to keep us entertained. It has been so long that when we are at hotels we look at the TV as an ugly piece of artwork and give it no attention. The background noise of a TV drives both of us nuts.
Back to the story of no Internet in Helena, MT which is probably a good thing once in awhile to have happen in my world. We were able to park within walking distance of our customer and from the looks of the building they are not used to trucks picking up or delivering freight. The business was in an office complex with a narrow ally, no docks, and no large roll-up doors. We stopped in the office to let them know we were in the vicinity and to make sure we were at the correct location. After a brief discussion we figured out that we were at the right place and they were very relieved that we would take care of picking up the freight from inside the building, loading the piece using our lift gate, and then padding the piece and strapping it in. There would be no stress on their part for the morning pickup.
Next we walked over to the local grocery store and purchased a few things to make grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and watch a DVD. Both of us were in our coats and chilled but we noticed we were not from around there as we saw one guy still in shorts and most people were only wearing sweaters.
While I made supper Bob got the movie ready to go and put away the groceries. This reminded my of the blog I did earlier on dancing somehow in a small area we both are able to stay out of each others space and get what we need to get done.

In my spare time I like to cross-stitch and for the past two years I have been working on a mountain scene reflected in the water. While the DVD played I spent my time listening and working on my picture. We have found over the years that it has become almost impossible to get us into a situation where we will become bored. We would have been just as happy to grab our books and sit down and read for several hours.
I have a to do list app on my phone that I kept adding to so that when I finally was able to get back on line I can get caught back up. So as usual I have an emergency plan for cold weather or warm weather by having a project that needs work.