I often hear truckers say that they can't get healthy food while out on the road. There's no easy fix to this. However,
let me suggest stopping by a roadside produce stand. I've often stopped to buy fresh produce that's ready to eat. Sure, some of it requires washing, but I've bought

plenty of tomatoes, apples and other items and have eaten them right there in my truck - fresh out of the farmer's field.
It's still early in the growing season where I live, so there's not a lot being sold just yet. But very soon, the roadside stands will be bursting with tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupe, corn, cucumbers, apples, peaches and just about anything else you can think of. There's nothing as good as taking a ripe, homegrown tomato and eating it like an apple!
Most roadside produce stands that I've seen have ample parking for a truck or two. Their entire business model is marketing to motorists so there's usually plenty of pull-off room. Just make sure you're safely off the road and on a hard packed area. Did I mention

it's cheap? You can buy bags full of food for just a few dollars.
Give it a try this summer. Even if you don't do it often, it's good to get out of the truck and walk around. Talk to some of the locals and try some of their products. They're proud to bring them to market and you will have tried something different in life.