Back in August, Kim Sheffield’s blog “Increase Your Cash Flow By Reducing Fuel Spending,” created some conversation regarding my fuel card. I wanted to do some follow up and answer your questions.
I became a member early this year with NASTC (The National Association of Small Trucking Companies.) So far, I have been pleased with their offerings. NASTC has been in business for 23 years. Their goal is to help small trucking companies control costs, manage purchasing, analysis, consultation and advocacy. Their mission statement is to level the competitive playing field, allowing for their member companies to grow, prosper and remain a significant force in the transportation industry.
NASTC offers a fuel card through “Fleet One.” They are the largest customer in the United States for gallons purchased at over the road truck stops. If you want to purchase the NASTC fuel card, you must first become a member of their organization. Next, you will be required to enroll in the “NEST” (New Entrant Survival Training Program.) NASTC’s focus is to help start-up trucking companies find success within the industry. The curriculum covered can help you avoid “new company” mistakes, control growth and improve your bottom line.
Below, I have posted the last three fuel transactions along with the lowest and highest discounts transactions. The making the decision to purchase this fuel card was a wise choice as it’s saving me money and helping my bottom line.
The NASTC organization impressed me as they were not just interested in signing me up for a fuel card. The representative took time to explain the focus of their organization, membership services and advised how they could assist me with my business. They are in business to assist carriers increase profitability and promote the continued success of the small trucking company.
For more information, you can contact Brittney Warren at 1-800-264-8580 or visit their website www.nastc.com.
(Here are the last three fuel transactions along with the lowest and highest discounts transactions. As you can see, making the decision to purchase this fuel card was a wise choice as it’s saving me money and helping my bottom line.)