During a recent doctor's visit about knee pain, my doctor told me that my increased weight gain has caused the problems.  Our knees aren't equipped to handle excess weight and that's why over-weight people can't be as active, even if they wanted to be.  The joints just can't take the abuse.  He then asked me if I knew how to lose weight.  "Yes" I replied, then I explained how we  must take in less calories than we burn.  He told me to forget that and then told me the million dollar secret!

Quite simply, reduce your starch and your sugar.  I knew this to be true because I was able to lose 25 lbs in a very short time a few years ago just by using the Atkins Low-Carb Diet.  Low carb is practically no carb when you see what's required.  One slice of bread a day and you've already busted the Atkins diet!  My goal this year was to lose about 40 lbs which is less than a pound a week.  I was going to give myself a year to do it so this time it would be healthy and sustainable.  Just by cutting out bread and anything containing wheat, I've lost 8 lbs since January 1 or 2 lbs a week.  My doctor told me that losing 1 lb of body weight is like reducing 3 lbs off of your joints based on information that orthopedic doctors have discovered.

Cutting out bread is tough because it's the center piece of the American diet.  One of the most common restaurants truckers encounter on the road is Subway.   Bread is their specialty!  However, they have chopped salads that I often get now.  It's basically a sub on a plate with no bread.  You can get any sub that they make, made into a chopped salad without the bread of course.

I recommend the book "Wheat Belly" by William Davis M.D.  It was highly recommended to me and it's packed full of detailed information on how wheat is making us all fat.  He's a cardiologist by trade and has seen first hand the damage our bodies are taking by eating improperly.  Quite simply, wheat is cheap and filling and it's added to just about everything for those two reasons.  Reduce your intake of it and you'll lose weight.

By the way, for the entire month of  February, Team Run Smart is running its cancer prevention campaign.  There will be many other articles about health and for each new member that signs up in February, Team Run Smart will be donating $1 to the Cancer Research Institute.

Comments (2)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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I agree. And they'll fill you up!

February 09, 2015 9:57:24 AM

Subway does have some of the best salads on the road - because you can get it made how you like it.

February 09, 2015 9:11:06 AM