Looking for a health and wellness program tailored to meet your needs while on the road? Well drivers, look no further than the Rolling Strong Driver Wellness Program. Cigna and Rolling Strong have teamed together to deliver this wellness resource program to professional truck drivers nationwide.

The Rolling Strong Driver Wellness Program can easily and economically be integrated into your existing benefit program. Discounts on Rolling Strong and Cigna services will be offered to their mutual customers. The program’s staff is intimately familiar with each other’s services and there to help you find the right resources for your health needs.

This program is designed to improve driver health by focusing on physical activity and nutrition, and by providing easy access to health coaching and health screenings. This scalable and affordable program can provide the tools to more easily manage health and wellness while on the road, which is important for maintaining a good CSA score.

Rolling Strong Driver Wellness Program members receive:

  • Free monthly access to over 1,100 truck-friendly healthcare clinics throughout the US for screenings (blood pressure, weight, BMI and heart rate).
  • Unlimited telephone health and wellness coaching available anytime Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST.
  • 10% discount off of Rolling Strong-branded nutritional products.
  • $1 off coupons at PFJ Subway locations (when you order one of the seven healthy subs with six grams of fat or less.)
  • Unlimited access to health check stations to self-monitor health levels (blood pressure, weight, BMI, heart rate and vision) located in terminals and over 2,000 Kroger locations.
  • Access to the driver-only private personal online wellness site to track results and earn points to receive Rolling Strong gear.
  • Nutrition in the Fast Lane “Trucker’s Edition” book providing nutritional content at 3,000 restaurants.
  • Pedometer to track miles and calories to earn free rewards.
  • Grocery shopping list to help stock the driver’s cab.
  • Savings on nutritional products, grocery items and services including E-Boost, Kroger, and Bayer.

Gold-RSTeam Run Smart members can now receive a special discount on the program! Silver Card members pay $54.00, but Team Run Smart members pay $42.00. Gold Card members pay $144.00, but Team Run Smart members pay only $120.00. Also, the sign up fee will be waived! (Use TRS Promo code trssilver or trsgold upon checkout.) 

Visit rollingstrong.com/cigna to learn how you can get on the road to better health to receive these benefits and much more. 

Comments (3)

Bob Perry

Bob Perry is on a mission to educate drivers and share life-changing products and services to help professional drivers while on the road. Recognized as the Trucker Trainer™ by professional drivers nationwide, Bob brings a unique perspective to the transportation industry. As the President of Rolling Strong™, Bob provides the transportation companies and drivers and owner operators with in-terminal and on the road wellness programs.

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Great Deal Bob! Sounds like a very nice program.

July 17, 2013 12:34:19 PM

An ounce of prevention-keep trying to get us drivers to move more-eat better.

July 17, 2013 12:25:20 PM

Let's hope more and more drivers utilize these services. Hopefully more companies will work in collaboration with their drivers and these programs to increase their employee's health especially since the employee's health has a direct impact on the companies bottom line and health insurance costs.

July 16, 2013 13:18:55 PM