If you find yourself waiting in line at the post office on April 15 then it’s time you make a change that will save you time. You can join the 126 million taxpayers who decided to e-file their tax returns last year. Here a five reasons why you should be e-filing your taxes this year.

Accurate and Easy

When you e-file your taxes you can feel confident that you are going to be getting the most accurate return.  The tax software used helps to avoid mistakes and maximize your deductions.  It guides you through every step of the process including the new health care law tax provisions.  The bottom line is that e-filing your taxes is much easier than actually doing your taxes by hand and mailing them into the IRS.

Top 5 Reasons to e-file your taxes

Convenient Options

You can e-file your taxes by using commercial tax preparation software or a tax preparer like ATBS, which specializes in working with owner-operators.  By having these options on hand you can spend more time doing what matters most to you, and that is driving.

Safe and Secure

When you e-file with the IRS you can rest easy knowing that they have used secure encryption technology to protect your tax return.  The IRS has safely and securely processed more than 1.3 billion e-file tax returns from individuals since the program began.

Faster Returns

In most cases you will get your tax refund faster when you e-file.  That is because there is nothing to mail in and your return is almost always free of mistakes.  The fastest way to get your refund is to combine e-file with direct deposit into your bank account.  The IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 days.

Payment Flexibility

If you owe taxes this year then you can e-file early and set up an automatic payment on any day until the April 15 tax deadline.  You can set up payment to automatically come out of your checking account.  You can also pay by check, money order, debit or credit card.
Most people stress out when it comes to tax season.  By hiring a tax professional and e-filing your return, you can make this year’s taxes painless.

Image Source - https://www.flickr.com/photos/68751915@N05/

Comments (2)

Dan White

After graduating from the University of Tennessee with a degree in Transportation, Dan spent 28 years in the traffic organization at Western Electric, AT&T and Lucent Technologies. He also spent one year as a Dispatch and Warehouse Manager for North American Van Lines. Dan has worked for ATBS since 2004 and helps drivers who are struggling in their business and need in-depth assistance to get back on their feet. He uses his previous experience and knowledge of business management and the trucking industry to assist drivers.

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Nothing is safe, not checks in the mail, not electronic deposit. Brave new world. Efile is probably more safe, and definitely faster and more convenient. As for payment convenience? Email or write IRS at any time, they're always willing to set up a plan for taxpayers. No particular benefit on that. As for stressing on taxes? Make regular deposits into your tax account: stress reduction guaranteed.

March 01, 2015 6:47:18 AM

I go to my trusted CPA every year. It certainly eliminates much of the stress but can't necessarily say that it is painless. LOL

February 14, 2015 8:39:33 AM